Abstract Details

Name: Suvodip Mukherjee
Affiliation: IUCAA
Conference ID: ASI2015_492
Title : Imprint of Isotropy Violated Gravitational Wave Background in CMB
Authors and Co-Authors : Tarun Souradeep, IUCAA
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : The Standard Cosmological Model is based upon the Cosmological Principle that the Universe on large scales is isotropic and homogeneous. But the recent measurements from Planck temperature field have made a significant detection of dipolar modulated temperature field of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) which implies a departure from the isotropic cosmological model. This observed dipolar anisotropy is present only in large angular scale and leads to a scale dependent modulation amplitude. In the talk, speaker will describe a new phenomenological model arising from a non isotropic inflationary model which can explain the observed large scale dipole anisotropy without considering scale dependent modulation amplitude. This model arises due to initial directional dependent inflationary parameters and keep its imprints on both the temperature and polarization field. The key signature of this model is the direction dependent tensor to scalar ratio and also an statistically anisotropy B mode polarization of CMB. This feature is measurable from several missions like Planck, BICEP-2 and PRISM and hence the validity of the model can be investigated. This analysis leads to a detailed understanding of the observed isotopy violation and also shed light on the cosmological model beyond standard $\Lambda$CDM. To investigate the observed statistically anisotropic feature in details from future missions, it is essential to make temperature and polarization realizations of CMB which are manifestly statistically anisotropic. In the talk, the speaker will discuss an efficient and fast numerical code CoNIGS to make statistically anisotropic Gaussian simulations of temperature and polarization field which can incorporate any kind of isotropy violation and can be used for the analysis in any future high resolution CMB missions.