Abstract Details

Name: Joe Philip Ninan
Affiliation: TIFR, Mumbai
Conference ID: ASI2015_493
Title : V899 Mon (IRAS 06068-0641): A unique outburst source in the family of FUOrs/EXors
Authors and Co-Authors : D.K. Ojha et al. TIFR, Mumbai
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours
Abstract : Low mass young stellar objects accrete gas from its disc in episodic events. These sudden increase in accretion rate happens by a factor of 10 to 100 and lasts only for a short duration.These outbursts are classified as FUors (lasting many decades) and EXors (lasting few years). They typically show a sudden increase in brightness by ~5 mag in optical bands. These short time scale outbursts can explain many issues related to low mass star formation like "Luminosity problem". They have been observationally found to influence the silicate crystallization and other disc chemistry, which could play crucial role in planet and comet formation. Due to their short time scale, these events are very rare, and we have to deduce the physics behind the phenomena from a dozen of sources discovered so far. Among the sample of all these sources we have been continuously monitoring, V899 Mon (IRAS 06068-0641) showed many unique properties. This source was first reported by CRTS survey in 2009. Our recent optical and near-IR, photometry observations showed rapid variability in flux and associated change in color and circumstellar extinction. Instead of undergoing a steady outburst, it went to quiescent phase in 2011 and also a short temporary dimming in 2014 August. The optical and near-IR spectra also showed rapid variation in its forbidden lines and PCygni outflow signatures. We present results from our multi wavelength study of this object from Optical, Near-IR, Far-IR to Radio from GMRT; and the physical characteristics obtained of the poorly understood FUors phenomena.