Abstract Details

Name: Prabhakar Tiwari
Affiliation: Technion -Israel Institute of Technology
Conference ID: ASI2015_516
Title : Observations of Large Scale Anisotropy and Cosmological Models
Authors and Co-Authors : Prabhakar Tiwari
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Thesis
Abstract : The observable Universe is simply huge! ∼10^{26} meters in every direction, ~14 billion years old and contains ∼10 ^{80} hydrogen atoms. The modern cosmology is the science of the entire Universe. We,here on a small planet, can only assume that the Universe is knowable and physics is followed everywhere in the same manner. Furthermore it is reasonable to assume that the observable Universe is statistically same for all observers, located anywhere in the Universe. Today, we demand this uniformity as “Cosmological Principle” which assumes homogeneity and isotropy at large distance scales. This thesis is a critical examination of the cosmological principle. In the thesis we review the present observations of large scale anisotropy and discuss possible theoretical models to explain these observations.