Abstract Details

Name: Shilpa Shantaram Dubal
Affiliation: NCRA
Conference ID: ASI2015_555
Title : A Database of Phase Calibrators for the GMRT
Authors and Co-Authors : Sachin S. Sherkar, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics. Dharam Vir Lal, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics.
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : The GMRT is the most sensitive radio telescope in the world operating at low radio frequencies. In order to obtain reliable information about the target astronomical sources, radio sources whose structure and flux density are known a-priori, are routinely observed to determine the antenna based calibration solutions. Any errors in the models used for these 'calibrator' sources reflect in errors in the antenna based calibration solutions, especially in the phase, and limit the quality of the radio images obtained. GMRT users have traditionally been using phase calibrators from the VLA calibrator list which is biased towards observing at higher frequencies. We are pursuing a project to build a database of phase calibrators suitable for the GMRT. In addition to their flux densities, this database will include models for calibrator sources, (u,v) plot, cleaned and restored maps, and clean-component lists. Here, we present the results for our sample of low frequency calibrators at frequencies 610 MHz and 235 MHz.