Abstract Details

Affiliation: IIA, BANGALORE
Conference ID: ASI2015_567
Title : Secular evolution in barred Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Authors and Co-Authors : Mousumi Das IIA, BANGALORE
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : We present the early results of our study on the secular evolution of barred Giant Low Surface Brightness(GLSB) galaxies. GLSB galaxies are very good candidates for the study of secular evolution in dark matter dominated systems because they are rich in dark matter and evolve in relatively isolated environments. The secular evolution of disk galaxies predicts that as the bars evolve their morphology will change, often resulting in the formation of oval pseudobulges or rounder bars. To see how this applies to dark matter dominated galaxies we examine the correlation of bar ellipticites in the barred GLSB galaxies with their dynamical masses. We have used the SDSS archival data for this study. We used GALFIT to estimate the deprojected bar ellipticities from the I band images. The penalized Pixel Fitting (pPXF) code was used to determine the velocity dispersion and hence the dynamical masses in the centers of these galaxies from their optical spectra. We discuss the results and compare this with the predictions from the theory of secular evolution of disk galaxies.