Abstract Details

Name: Jyotirmay Paul
Affiliation: IUCAA
Conference ID: ASI2015_614
Title : Performance Analysis of iRobo-AO system and Laboratory calibration unit
Authors and Co-Authors : A.N.Ramaprakash , Mahesh Burshe, Pravin Chordia, Hillol Kanti Das , Abhay Kohok, Pravin Khodade, Deepa Modi, Sujit Punnadi, Chaitanya Rajarshi
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : Earth's atmospheric turbulence can be taken care by Adaptive optics (AO) system through reconstruction of wavefront in real time when astronomical objects are observed using ground based telescopes. AO system is now successfully used in numerous big observatories with large overheads. With affordable overheads for small telescopes (1m to 3m) a compact, low cost, automated adaptive optics Robo-AO system is jointly developed by Caltech, USA and IUCAA, India for the Palomar 60-inch telescope. A second version of Robo-AO called iRobo-AO is currently under development at IUCAA for deployment on the 2m telescope at IUCAA Girawali Observatory in visible and near infrared band. This paper summarizes alignment and laboratory calibration with an internal telescope simulator and performance analysis of iRobo-AO with Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors, continuous facesheet deformable mirrors and Rayleigh scattered laser guide star at 10km above the ground. Adaptive optics system performance is determined in terms of Strehl ratio, resolution and increased sky coverage.