Abstract Details

Name: Gangadhar Chavan
Affiliation: Shivaji University
Conference ID: ASI2015_649
Title : Effect of Magnetic Activity on Ionospheric Irregularity
Authors and Co-Authors : Effect of Magnetic Activity on Ionospheric Irregularity G. A. Chavan1, A. K. Sharma*1, S. S. Nikte1,3, D. P. Nade1,2 , R. N. Ghodpage4,P. T. Patil4, M. A. Yewale1, O. B. Gurav1 1Earth and Space Science Laboratory, Department of Physics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India 2Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions (SGI), Atigre, India 3Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Vishveshwarya Technical Campus Patgaon-Miraj, India 4Medium Frequency Radar, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Shivaji University Campus, Kolhapur, India
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : The amplitude scintillation data of 251MHz signal recorded by two spaced receivers at low latitude station Kolhapur [16.420N, 74.20E] is used. In this paper we have considered the magnetically disturbed days (Ap>20) to investigate the effect of magnetic activity on the generation of ionospheric irregularities. Random velocity of the irregularity which is a measure of random changes in irregularity drift velocity is evaluated. Decrease in the value of random velocity to its lowest value by 23 LT may be due to decrease in the height of F region. Maximum cross-correlation CI(x0,tm) between the two signals recorded by two spaced receivers shows the decreasing pattern which attributes the fresh generation of irregularities. Keyword: Ionospheric irregularity, Magnetic Activity,Cross-correlation *Corresponding author Email: aks_phy@unishivaji.ac.in (A. K. Sharma)