Abstract Details

Name: Vishal Joshi
Affiliation: IUCAA
Conference ID: ASI2015_715
Title : Detection of strong shock wave during the 2014 outburst of recurrent nova V745 Sco
Authors and Co-Authors : D. P. K. Banerjee(PRL), N. M. Ashok (PRL), V. Venkataraman (PRL)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours
Abstract : The third known outburst of recurrent nova V745 Sco was observed starting from day 1.3 after outburst in near-infrared. Our analysis showed the emergence of a strong blast wave generated by high velocity ejecta plowing into its surrounding environment. The shock does not show a free-expansion stage but rather shows a decelerative Sedov–Taylor phase from the beginning. The lack of a free-expansion stage favors V745 Sco to have a density enhancement around the white dwarf (WD) contributed by a RG wind. The shocked gas was is heated to temperature exceeding 108 K immediately after commencement of the outburst. The energetics of the outburst clearly surpass those of similar symbiotic systems like RS Oph and V407 Cyg which have giant secondaries. V745 Sco is the latest among the only six known novae till date showing gamma-ray emission during its outburst. The shock front formed during the outburst was probably site of gamma-ray generation. Our analysis also suggests that the WD in V745 Sco is very massive and a potential progenitor for a future SN Ia explosion.