Abstract Details

Name: Girjesh R. Gupta
Affiliation: IUCAA, Pune
Conference ID: ASI2015_721
Title : Alfv\'en wave/turbulence in the off-limb solar corona
Authors and Co-Authors : Durgesh Tripathi IUCAA, Pune
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : There are several models which explain the role of Alfv\'en wave/turbulence in the heating of solar corona and acceleration of the solar wind. Model predicts the different velocity amplitude in different solar structures depending on their area divergence and density drop rates with height. Alfv\'en wave/turbulence velocity amplitude can be measured from the non-thermal component of the spectral line profile. We obtained Alfv\'en wave/turbulence velocity amplitude in the active region and quiet Sun region with height using several highly ionized Fe spectral lines (Fe XII 195.12 \AA\ and 196.64 \AA\, and Fe XIII 196.54 \AA\ and 202.04 \AA ). Measured velocity amplitude in the active region first increases with height and later decreases further out following the trend as per the model predictions whereas that in quiet Sun region drops continuously with height which was unexpected and requires careful analysis of involved processes. Line ratio methods where used to obtain the density and temperature of the observed region. Measured quantities will be used to infer whether the observed wave/turbulence is either undamped or getting damped with height. Effect of temperature, abundance, charge/mass, kappa distribution etc will also be discussed on the measured quantities.