Abstract Details

Name: Ravishankar B T
Affiliation: ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore
Conference ID: ASI2015_754
Title : Ground tests with SSM: Data Processing, Imaging aspects
Authors and Co-Authors : Ravishankar B.T.*, Dipankar Bhattacharya^, Brajpal Singh*, Anand Jain*, Ramadevi M.C.* and Seetha S.@ * ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore ^ Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Atrophysics, Pune @ Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore.
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : Scanning Sky Monitor on ASTROSAT operating in the X-ray band of 2 keV to 10 keV has been designed to scan the sky for (a) detecting outbursts in new transient sources, and (b) long-term monitoring of known sources. The localisation will be about several arcmin and all other experiments on ASTROSAT as well as other ground/space based observatories will be alerted about the transient events for followup observations. In order to cover a large portion of the sky, SSM is designed as an assembly of three cameras, each with a non-focussing coded mask based optics and 1d position sensitive proportional counter as detector. The whole assembly is mounted on a rotating platform, along an axis perpendicular to the boresight axis of the spacecraft. For imaging, Richarson-Lucy based deconvolution as well as SVDFIT-based methods have been used. The overlapping fields of view are combined in the sky plane to obtain a better flux estimate of new transient sources detected. To enable quicker computation, data processing is undertaken on GPGPU units. In this paper we will discuss the ground tests carried out to assess the imaging capabilities of the SSM cameras and describe the data processing involved.