Abstract Details

Name: Poonam Chandra
Affiliation: NCRA-TIFR
Conference ID: ASI2015_928
Title : Supernovae: Shocked after the violent death of stars
Abstract Type : Plenary
Abstract : Supernovae explosions are the death of massive stars. In a supernova explosion, the shocked star ejecta moves with supersonic speed and creates a high temperature and low density forward shock, and a low temperature and high density reverse shock upon interacting with the medium surrounding the star. This medium is modified owing to mass loss from the progenitor star, and the supersonic shocks moving in the slower winds created due to this mass loss acts as a time machine, thus carries tell-tale signatures of the star before its death. Thus one can study the interaction in the wind medium in detail and unravel the mysterious progenitor nature of the exploded star. In this talk I will review the diversities of the progenitors of a class of supernovae exploding in very dense medium.