Abstract Details
Name: Madhuri Gaikwad Affiliation: NCRA Conference ID: ASI2016_549 Title : GMRT Survey of Cygnus region. Authors and Co-Authors : Madhuri Gaikwad (NCRA), Ishwara Chandra CH (NCRA) and Paula Benaglia (Insitituto Argentino de Radioastronomia) Abstract Type : Poster Abstract Category : Stars, The Milky Way Galaxy and its neighbours Abstract : Hundreds of gamma-ray detected sources go unidentified with no counterparts at any other wavelengths despite significant improvement in the sensitivity and resolution of high energy telescopes. Most of the identified sources emit at radio waves. The most accepted argument for this close relation between radio and VHE band is production of VHE emission through inverse Compton scattering by the same relativistic electrons responsible for radio emission. Existing major radio catalogs and surveys such as NVSS, FIRST and WENSS do not have sufficient angular resolution or sensitivity to uniquely identify counterpart for UNIDS. The northern-sky Cygnus region is extremely rich in stellar objects and contains many unidentified VHE sources, and there are no radio surveys with enough angular resolution and sensitivity to study the sources at the radio bands. In 2014, we initiated a GMRT survey at 325 and 610 MHz along the region, to find counterparts to high-energy sources through radio observations. We have completed the 325 MHz imaging of about 8 square degree region with rms noise of about 100 microJy and with an angular resolution of ~ 10 arcseconds. Here we present some of the results from the wide area survey of the region. |