Abstract Details
Name: Shilpa Kastha Affiliation: JRF Conference ID: ASI2016_656 Title : Tracking the redshift evolution of merger rate density for double neutron star systems using gravitational wave detections Authors and Co-Authors : K G Arun Associate Professor Abstract Type : Poster Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology Abstract : We propose a method, which is a variant of the well-known V/Vmax test in astronomy, to track the redshift evolution of Double Neutron Star merger rate density, using Gravitational Wave (GW) observations by advanced GW detectors. We show that a distribution of 'redshifted' signal to noise ratio, defined by $\sigma=\rho (1+z)^{1/6} $ (where $\rho$ is the optimal signal to noise ratio of detected GW events), would follow a $p(\sigma)\propto {1\over \sigma^4}$ distribution if the DNS sources are distributed uniformly in the comoving volume for a non-evolving universe. We study how the expansion of the universe and the evolution of the comoving source rate density will affect this distribution and argue how this can be used to study the evolution of DNS merger rate density with advanced GW detectors. We then show how different these distributions would look for different models of DNS rate density evolution and discuss the abilities of future GW detectors to carry out the proposed test. |