Abstract Details
Name: Praveer Tiwari Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science Conference ID: ASI2016_918 Title : Modeling Mode Mixing in the Ringdown Phase of Binary Black Hole Coalescence Authors and Co-Authors : Chandra Kant Mishra, Nathan Johnson-McDaniel, Ajith Parameswaran (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences-Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) Abstract Type : Poster Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology Abstract : Coalescing binary black holes (BBHs) are among the most prominent sources of gravitational waves (GWs) and a precise understanding of their dynamics is crucial in order to extract useful information from detected GWs (using, e.g., the LIGO detectors). Here, we study the ringdown phase of a coalescing BBH, in which the final black hole created by the merger settles down from an excited state to a stationary state. Gravitational waves coming from this phase can be analytically modelled by solving Teukolsky's equation for linearly perturbed Kerr black holes. The solution of this equation has a natural decomposition in spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics. However, the gravitational wave strain is usually expressed as an expansion in spin-weighted spherical harmonics, and a given spheroidal harmonic contributes to more than one spherical harmonic, leading to the phenomenon of mode mixing. We describe our progress in including the effects of mode mixing in analytical models of the gravitational waveforms from binary black hole coalescences. |