Abstract Details

Name: Rakesh Chandra Narwa
Affiliation: MJCET,
Conference ID: ASI2016_930
Title : Statistical analysis of meteoroid fragmentation during the Geminid and Leonid Meteor showers
Authors and Co-Authors : Rakesh Chandra N MJCET, Hyderabad. G. Yellaiah Osmania University, Hyderabad
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : Meteoroid mass is deposited in the upper atmosphere either through fragmentation or through differential and simple ablation mechanisms.Each mechanism deposits the flux in different form ( dust/ smoke - fragmentation, atomic form - ablation). Our observations using MST Radar (at NARL,Gadanki, India), disclosed an important out come that during the Geminid Meteor shower (parent body - Phaethon 3200) the percentage of meteoroid fragmentation (12%) is lower than that observed during Leonid meteor shower(24%)(parent body - comet 55P/ Tempel - tuttle). This outcome is thought provoking as their parent bodies are different, the first shower being asteroid originated and the later being comet originated. The two parent bodies has different chemical constituents. The mass of the meteoroids observed during each of the above showers are different. We may conclude that percentage of meteoroid fragmentation is different for different showers and also depends on the mass of the incoming meteoroids. These results will also contribute in improving current meteoroid disintegration/ablation models.