Big Data in Astronomy

Title of workshop: Big Data in Astronomy
Please visit the link for updated Program and other details by workshop organizers

Workshop Details:

Data Science has fast become an important discipline in its own right. Astronomy has always had big data, typically a step ahead of many other fields. The complexity of data - multiple instruments, wavelengths, as well as the need to process data quickly, often in real-time, make the challenges even more interesting. 

The following are some of the Big Data related initiatives already underway in India: (1) IUCAA holds CRTS images+catalogs and has joined LSST, (2) IUCAA has a Big Data grant approved by NKN, (3) IUCAA will soon have a Tier 2 LIGO Data Center, (4) NCRA now has uGMRT and is leading the SKA science and engineering effort from the Indian side.

Background & Objective:

Through this short workshop, we aim to introduce various aspects of Big Data in Astronomy to students and senior practitioners alike. We will have the following four 45-minute talks during the workshop:

  1. Ajit Kembhavi : Big Astro projects in India and Big Data
  2. N Sajeeth Philip : Intro to Big Data frameworks with an emphasis on Hadoop.
  3. Yogesh Wadadekar : Tips and techniques for using data archives for science with an emphasis on GMRT
  4. Ashish Mahabal : Signal from Noise: Effective combining and learning from diverse datasets

In addition, we will also have (1) an open discussion on data challenges faced by the big data projects in which India is involved e.g. Astrosat, SKA, LSST, LIGO etc. The goal of the discussion will be to identify common problems and discuss strategies for collaborative solutions to these problems. (2) Demonstration and tutorials for some of the tools (e.g. Python’s scikit-learn and AstroPy). These will come with datasets that one can play with as well as having projects ideas lasting from a month to a year.


The workshop will be limited to 50 participants. Introductory knowledge of Python is essential to follow the tutorials.

Tentative schedule:

09:00Opening remarks
09:15Ajit Kembhavi: Big Astro projects in India and Big Data
10:00N Sajeeth Philip: Intro to Big Data frameworks with an emphasis on Hadoop
10:45Posters and Tea
11:15Yogesh Wadadekar: Tips and techniques for using data archives for science with an emphasis on GMRT
12:00Ashish Mahabal: Signal from Noise: Effective combining and learning from diverse datasets
12:45Discussion: Open discussion on data challenges faced by the big data projects
14:30Demo/Tutorial 1: Python’s scikit-learn for Machine Learning with Big Data
15:30Demo/Tutorial 2: Python’s astropy for more diverse Big Data related tasks
16:30Posters and Tea
17:00Discussion: Wrap-up and next steps