General Instructions

1. If you have booked Hotel through Sweetcorn, please make the balance payment through electronic transfer as far as possible before or after just checking in. Alternately you can pay by cheque at the conference venue on the first day. No credit card payment is available. Note that payments need to be reconciled from the Bank so delay in payment will result in delay in issuing receipts. Receipts will be sent electronically through email.

2. Please fill up the Arrival Form which is online now. This will help us in the local arrangements, food etc. This form will be visible only after login (your email address is the login id).

3. The participants who need attendance certificates may fill certificate requisition form online as early as possible. This will help us prepare them in advance. One need to login to access this form.

4. Please note there are no pick up and drop arrangements after arriving Jaipur, participants have to make their own arrangements. Please fill arrival form after logging in the website.

5. Registration fee receipts are available on the ASI2017 portal (one needs to login for the same).

6. Posters will be displayed for the entire duration of ASI 2017. Size: Max A0 (portrait). Poster boards will be marked with your poster number. Please check abstract book for the same. 

7. The scientific programme has been updated on the website and the abstract book will be available soon.