Abstract Details

Name: sreekanth reddy
Affiliation: IIA, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_172
Title : Development and on-sky performance analysis of tip-tilt adaptive optics system
Authors and Co-Authors : Sreekanth Reddy V, Ravinder Kumar Banyal, Sridharan R, Suresh Venkata, P U Kamath
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : A tip-tilt adaptive optics (AO) system has been developed for 1.3 m telescope, Kavalur. It is designed for visible band (480-700 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum and has spatial resolution of 0.08" with field-of-view (FOV) of 1.2'. To evaluate the performance of the instrument, it is tested on multiple pairs of stars with angular separation of few arc-seconds (~ 2") to several arc-seconds (<60") and of magnitude (mv) brighter than 6. The tilt corrected images have shown an ~ 47% improvement in image resolution and > 100% improvement in the peak intensity over an integration time of 5 minutes. A closed loop correction bandwidth of ~6-8 Hz has been achieved. The rms image motion has been reduced, approximately, by a factor of two. In this conference we present the design and development of the tip-tilt instrument and its performance on the telescope.