Abstract Details

Name: Pavana M
Affiliation: IIA, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_470
Title : Modelling the ejecta of Galactic Nova, ASASSN-16ma
Authors and Co-Authors : M. Pavana and G. C. Anupama.
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : We report the results of photo-­ionization and morpho-kinematic modelling of ASASSN­-16ma. This object was monitored from Vainu Bappu Observatory (VBO) and the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) in the range of 380 to 900 nm. The spectral evolution of this system is studied in detail. The spectra obtained at different phases of the outburst are modelled to obtain the corresponding synthetic spectra, and to study the evolution of the physical conditions using the 1D photo­-ionization code, CLOUDY. The best-­fit modelled parameters obtained from 1D CLOUDY like the elemental abundances, temperature, luminosity and density are used to obtain 3D ionized structure of the ejecta using pyCloudy. The 3D morpho-kinematic structure is obtained using the observed H-alpha velocity profile using SHAPE. The 3D ionized structure is bipolar conical and the morpho-kinematic structure is also bipolar conical one with equatorial ring-like structures. The evolution of the geometry of the ejected shell obtained using both the methods at different phases of the system is also reported.