Abstract Details

Name: Hemanth Pruthvi
Affiliation: IIA, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_471
Title : Solar Scanning Polarimeter at Kodaikanal Tower-tunnel Telescope for Ca II 854.2 nm line
Authors and Co-Authors : Hemanth Pruthvi K. Nagaraju B. Ravindra
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : Study of Chromospheric magnetic fields is of great importance in the context of inferring coronal magnetic fields. Solar Scanning Polarimeter is designed and developed to study the active regions at Chromospheric level. Zeeman effect in Ca II 854.2 nm is considered for the magnetic field diagnostics. It is installed at Kodaikanal Tower-tunnel Telescope of Kodaikanal Solar Observatory. It is stepped-rotating wave-plate based polarimeter. Design aspects of the instrument and modulation aspects of the polarimetry are described. Instrumental polarization is addressed with analytical and ZEMAX modelling. Instrument controls, software and data reduction pipeline are briefly discussed. Results of polarimetric calibration and observations are presented with sample Stokes profiles.