Abstract Details

Name: Govind Nampoothiri
Affiliation: Space Physics Laboratory, VSSC
Conference ID: ASI2019_193
Title : Electron Velocity Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind at 1 AU During Solar transient events
Authors and Co-Authors : Govind.G.Nampoothiri, R.Satheesh Thampi, Abhishek J.K
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : The velocity distribution functions (VDFs) of Solar wind electrons carry signatures of the various dynamical processes undergone by the solar wind starting from the coronal heights to the larger heliocentric distances. The observed electron velocity distribution functions (EVDFs) in the solar wind at 1 AU have shown a Maxwellian thermal core and a non-maxwellian suprathermal tail. In this paper, we analyzed the signatures of solar transient events such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) on the electron velocity distribution functions observed in the ambient solar wind at 1 AU. We analyzed the effects of 60 Earth-directed CMEs and quantified the enhancements in the EVDFs in the core electron population as well as in the suprathermal electron population in the ambient solar wind during event effective periods. Effects of transient events (CMEs) on thermal core and suprathermal halo electron populations are delineated. Details of the analysis and results are discussed in the paper. Solar wind electron data from three dimensional plasma instrument (3DP) on board WIND spacecraft, CME data from Large Angle and Spectroscopic Coronograph (LASCO) on board Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar flare data from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) have been used for performing the present study.