Abstract Details

Name: Vivek Kumar Agrawal
Affiliation: Space Astronomy Group, URSC, ISRO, Bangalore
Conference ID: ASI2020_520
Title : AstroSat View of Neutron Star Low-mass X-ray Binaries
Authors and Co-Authors : Vivek Kumar Agrawal
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Accreting low magnetic field neutron star are of great interest to study due to many reasons. First, they provide an ideal laboratory to study the properties of matter at extreme densities. Second, they are thought to be progenitor of millisecond radio pulsar. They are usually divided into two groups : Z and Atoll sources, based on the pattern they trace out in the colour-colour diagram and Hardness-Intensity diagram. Z-sources are persistent sources and accrete close to the Eddington limit. The luminosity of atoll sources vary between 0.005 to 0.5 L_Edd. In this talk I will highlight the recent results obtained from AstroSat LAXPC/SXT instruments on Z and Atoll sources. I will discuss the evolution of spectral and timing properties of these sources along the HID. The LAXPC instrument on such sources has provided high quality data on such sourcees upto 80 keV. This has enabled us to detect variable non-thermal high energy tail in these systems. I will discuss the possible model which can explain their origin.