Abstract Details

Name: Syed Najamul Hasan
Affiliation: MANUU, Hyderabad
Conference ID: ASI2020_553
Title : Mass Segregation in the Gaia era
Authors and Co-Authors : S N Hasan & Priya Hasan
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Using GAIA DR2 data 2MASS photometry, we study a sample of 9 young clusters for which early mass segregation has been reported in literature. We study mass segregation in these clusters by finding the mass function $\phi(M) = dN/dM \propto M^{-\alpha}$ in different regions of the clusters and tracing the variation in the value of $\alpha$ as a function of the parameter $\tau = t_{age}/t_{relax}$ (where $t_{age}$ is the age of the cluster and $t_{relax}$ is the relaxation time of the cluster). We explore relations of various observational parameters like Galactocentric distance, intracluster reddening (star formation efficiency (SFE)), age and size of the clusters to look for common defining features or signatures in them to help differentiate if the process is dynamical or related to their formation process. Recent results supporting early dynamical mass segregation are discussed and attempts are made to critically assess the evidence of primordial mass segregation for the above sample.