Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2021_448
Title : Period Variations in Active Flaring Binary BX Tri - Magnetic Activity Cycle or Tertiary Companion?
Authors and Co-Authors : D. Shanti Priya (Osmania University), J. Rukmini (Osmania University), P. Ravi Raja (Osmania University), Basavraj (Osmania University), Raghu Prasad (Osmania University), Vinay Kumar (Osmania University)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Flaring activity in the Sun and Sun like stars are not only prominent features to study but can also act as tools to quantify the magnetic activity and magnetic activity cycles in the stellar systems. For more than a decade BX Tri has been studied for its flaring activity. The current paper presents the preliminary results of long-term period variation studies on eclipsing binary with M-type components-BX Tri, using the literature and the latest data available from TESS database. A total of 33 times of primary minima collected from TESS along with 71 times of minima from the literature, spanning more than a decade, have been used to obtain the Eclipse Timing diagram. Results obtained from the best fit are discussed. In addition, flaring activity of the binary components are studied for the data obtained from TESS and other archival databases. The results are compared with other flaring binaries to understand the nature of magnetic activity/activity cycle in flaring binaries, and validate or invalidate the magnetic activity-binarity relation.