Abstract Details

Name: Jeewan Pandey
Affiliation: ARIES
Conference ID: ASI2021_330
Title : Colliding stellar winds in Wolf-Rayet binaries
Authors and Co-Authors : Jeewan C Pandey ARIES, Nainital
Abstract Type : Invited
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars possess powerful outflows of matter from their surfaces, fed by their extreme radiation fields in the form of stellar winds. The presence of these potent outflows gives rise to many observational signatures, which can be observed over a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The high wind velocities and high mass-loss rates of WR and O stars suggest that the colliding stellar wind region is a luminous X-ray source. WR binaries with O-type companion are expected to be brighter than the single WR stars which were also found to be true in the X-ray surveys of WR stars. In this talk, I will present X-ray investigations of colliding stellar winds from wide as well as close WR+O binaries. Two temperature plasma is required to explain the X-ray emission from binaries in which cooler plasma could be due to small scale shocks in a radiation-driven outflow and the high-temperature plasma could be due to the collision of winds. With other important recent results, I will also discuss the dependence of X-ray flux with binary separation for eccentric binaries.