Abstract Details

Name: Biswajit MONDAL
Affiliation: Senior Research Fellow
Conference ID: ASI2021_528
Title : Soft X-ray spectroscopy of the quiet solar corona and elemental composition with Solar X-ray Monitor (XSM) onboard Chandrayaan-2
Authors and Co-Authors : Biswajit Mondal, Santosh V. Vadawale, N. P. S. Mithun, Aveek Sarkar, M. Shanmugam, P. Janardhan, Bhuwan Joshi, Anil Bhardwaj. (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : To understand the formation, structure, and evolution of the Sun and the solar system as a whole, a thorough knowledge of solar elemental abundances is essential. The energy transport mechanism from the solar surface to its upper atmosphere can also be understood by studying the elemental compositions at different atmospheric layers of the Sun. Elements with low FIP (≤10 eV) are seen to be two to four times more abundant in the corona compared to the solar photosphere. This phenomenon is known as the “FIP effect” and is yet to be understood well. However, theoretical understanding suggests magnetic field may play an important role in the abundance enhancement. Here we present the high energy-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopic observations with the solar X-ray Monitor (XSM) onboard Chandryaan-2 during the quietest solar minima of the last century. We derive the absolute elemental abundances of Mg, Al, and Si in the quiet solar corona. During our observation, most of the X-ray emission is seen to have originated from the X-ray bright points (XBP) associated with the weak magnetic fields present on the solar disk. The observation suggests a lower FIP effect for the on-disk XBPs and demonstrates the role of magnetic fields in enhancing the coronal abundances.