Abstract Details

Name: Farrukh Chishtie
Affiliation: University of Western Ontario
Conference ID: ASI2021_229
Title : Fourier Transform of Continuous Gravitational Wave Signal from a Pulsar
Authors and Co-Authors : Sree Ram Valluri (The University of Western Ontario), Vladimir Dergachev (Albert Einstein Institute), Xiyang Zhang (The University of Western Ontario)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : Gravitational Wave (GW) detection from pulsars is an anticipated discovery, however, given the exceedingly weak signals, detection is quite challenging. To address some of these challenges, in this talk, I present a recent derivation of the Fourier transform of continuous gravitational wave signal with easy to implement algorithm for computing peak heights and locations arising from features in frequency evolution of gravitational wave signal. Though our main aim was application of our approach to gravitational wave signals, the results and the analysis presented here can be applied to any signals of this form.