Abstract Details

Name: Shantanu Desai
Affiliation: IIT Hyderabad
Conference ID: ASI2021_336
Title : Shapiro Delay of photons, neutrinos, and gravitational waves
Authors and Co-Authors : Sibel Boran (Istanbul Technical University) Emre Kahya (Istanbul Technical University) Richard Woodard (University of Florida)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : In 1964 Irwin Shapiro pointed out that the speed of any cosmic messenger depends on the gravitational potential along the line of sight. This effect is known in the community as "Shapiro delay", and has been measured in both solar system and binary pulsars, and widely used for astrophysical measurements as well as tests of GR. Here, we shall discuss the line of sight cumulative Shapiro delay experienced by any cosmic messenger (photon, neutrinos, gravitational wave) as it reaches the Earth from a distant source. We shall point out constraints on fundamental Physics and modified theories of gravity from this light of sight Shapiro delay from multimessenger observations, such as GW170817 and IceCube-170922A.