Poster Session Guidelines

Some guidelines on how this ‘virtual’ poster presentation will be conducted. We will be using two different modes for poster presentation. 

1. On the ASI Website - All poster presenters are expected to upload their posters (in PDF format only, size less than 10 MB) and a short audio narration explaining the poster (MP3 format, size less than 5 MB and not exceeding 3 minutes). The form is open now to upload the posters and audio files, the last date to upload these is 17th Feb 2021. These will be grouped according to the abstract categories and available for viewing to all registered participants after login. Please make sure that you upload your poster on the ASI website. These posters will continue to remain available on the ASI website for some duration after the meeting. 

2. On the Slack platform - Many recent online meetings have successfully used Slack to facilitate interaction between the attendees and presenters. We will be trying to do the same for poster presentations at ASI 2021. You will receive an email invitation (on the email id with which you have registered in the ASI Meeting) from ‘ASI_2021’ group in Slack for joining this group. Please join the group with your full name as used for the registration for the ASI Meeting. In case you have not received this email invitation, please send us an email. Once you have logged into the Slack group ‘ASI_2021’ you will find five different channels for poster presentation named as -- 






 You are expected to post your poster (pdf file only, file size less than 10 MB) in the relevant channel under which your abstract has been selected (check the meeting website. Along with the pdf file of your poster you should add a small description text (2-3 lines max) and if you wish you can add a small audio (2-3 min long max, mp3 file only, file size less than 5 MB) description of your poster in your post. If you would like to be a bit more creative, you can make a small video presentation on your poster (2-3 min long max) and upload it in your YouTube channel and post the YouTube link in this post as well. The Slack channels will be open all through the meeting and we encourage the presenters and participants to view the posters and to post their questions, queries and curiosities as replies to the post with the poster.

 In the programme of the ASI meeting you will find dedicated time slots for poster viewing and interaction on 20, 21 and 22 Feb 2021. We would request you to be online in the Slack group during that period so that any interested participant can interact with you live (via text replies to your poster post in the Slack channel). You might find it useful to set up email notification within the Slack channel, so that you get notified if someone reacts to your poster. Please note these posts will remain available beyond the time limits of the conference so all participants are encouraged to interact with each other over these posts even after the conference is over.

 Poster format - As the posters are not going to be put up on physical boards, there is no specific format for them, you can make them in portrait or in landscape format. However, please keep in mind most of the participants will be viewing them on their laptops and desktops (Slack allows the users to zoom into these pdf files as well), so the font size and the size and resolution of the figures should be such that they are legible when opened on a standard 12-15 inch window. Please note pdf file size should not exceed 10 MB.