Name: Ajay Kumar
Affiliation: National centre for radio astrophysics
Conference ID : ASI2022_340
Title : Search for slowly rotating pulsars with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)
Authors : Ajay Kumar, Jitendra Salal, Shriharsh Tendulkar
Abstract Type: Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : The current population of pulsars still remains a fraction of the total detectable number predicted from different population simulations. This could be due to the low luminosity of most pulsars, possible intermittent emission, or propagation effects such as eclipses or scattering. The CHIME Slow Pulsar Search Project (CHIME/SPS) aims to search for slowly rotating pulsars (period ~ [100ms - 10s] ) in the entire Northern hemisphere (declination > -10 deg) using the 1-ms sampled intensity data from the CHIME/FRB backend. CHIME/SPS will conduct daily searches for pulsars in power spectra from individual sky pointings as well as by stacking barycentered power spectra over months. Pulsar population simulations predict that CHIME/SPS can detect ~5000 pulsars with the coherent beams. Even accounting for uncertainties in population simulation estimates, CHIME-SPS will substantially increase the number of known pulsars. . By virtue of its repeated daily scanning of the sky, CHIME/SPS is far more sensitive to nulling, intermittent, and eclipsing pulsars than traditional pulsar searches that only observe each sky location once. Every radio telescope is plagued by the unique and ever-changing RFI environment hence we need to monitor and mitigate the effect of RFI on the pulsar search. In the case of pulsar search, periodic RFI mitigation becomes much more important. Here we describe the CHIME/SPS data analysis pipelines and present the tools being developed for identifying and mitigating periodic RFI. We will also describe tools developed for the visualization and classification of large numbers of pulsar candidates that will be generated by the CHIME/SPS backend. For our dashboard, we have adapted AstronomicAL, a recently developed active learning tool.