Name: Bihan Banerjee
Affiliation: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Conference ID : ASI2022_528
Title : Constraining initial properties of exoplanet population using photoevaporation model
Authors : Bihan Banerjee, Manoj Puravankara,Mayank Narang
Abstract Type: Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Currently around 5000 exoplanets has been discovered. A large fraction of them are planets very close to their host stars. After correcting detection biases for this close-in planets, one can obtain occurrence rate of these planets in radius-orbital period plane. Two interesting features can be seen in this plane. One, lack of Neptune size planets with orbital period< 5 days. Two, a gap between super-Earth (planets with radius 1.2-2 earth radius ) and sub Neptune size planets (planets with 2-4 Earth radius). In both cases, boundaries of these gaps show peculiar trends with orbital period. The trends can be explained by some atmospheric mass-loss mechanism of the planets. In this work we have shown energy-limited photoevaporation combined with Lopez-Fortney 2014 mass radius relationship can reproduce occurrence rate in radius-period plane. In addition it can successfully reproduce the observed Chen-Kipping mass radius relationship. We have also constrained the intial atmospheric and core distributions of the planets. One prediction of our model is that the slope and intercept of the Fulton gap evolves with time, and after 1 Gyr the gap starts to be more and more populated with planets.