Name: Adarsh Bathula
Affiliation: The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali
Conference ID : ASI2022_667
Title : pinta : The uGMRT Data Processing Pipeline for the InPTA
Authors : Adarsh Bathula on Behalf of the InPTA consortium
Abstract Type: Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : I will introduce pinta, a pipeline for reducing the upgraded Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) raw pulsar timing data, developed for the Indian Pulsar Timing Array experiment. I will provide a detailed description of the workflow and usage of pinta, as well as its computational performance and RFI mitigation characteristics. We also discuss a novel and independent determination of the relative time offsets between the different back-end modes of uGMRT and the interpretation of the uGMRT observation frequency settings, and their agreement with results obtained from engineering tests. Further, we demonstrate the capability of pinta to generate data products which can produce high-precision TOAs. These results are crucial for performing precision pulsar timing with the uGMRT.