Name: Ruta Kale
Affiliation: NCRA-TIFR
Conference ID : ASI2022_744
Title : CAPTURE: Interferometric Data Analysis Pipeline for the Upgraded GMRT
Authors : Interferometric Data Analysis Pipelines group at NCRA
Abstract Type: Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : The Upgraded GMRT is a radio interferometer operating in the frequency range of 120 - 1450 MHz that offers instantaneous bandwidths of up to 400 MHz. The data volumes have increased several folds as compared to the legacy GMRT, making manual reduction of data challenging. I will describe the data analysis pipeline CAPTURE - CASA Pipeline-cum-Toolkit for Upgraded GMRT Data Reduction - that we have developed at NCRA for continuum imaging. The pipeline is written in python and uses Common Astronomy Software Applications (CASA) by NRAO for data reduction. The salient features of the pipeline are that it allows an end to end automated imaging capability along with possibilities for user modifications at crucial steps. Recently we are also working on data reduction pipeline incorporating polarization calibration -CAPTURE-POL. In this presentation I will highlight the current capabilities of CAPTURE through recent scientific results. I will also describe the plans for further development to improve upon image quality and speed.