Abstract Details

Name: Sarvesh Mangla
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Conference ID : ASI2023_103
Title : Quantifying ionospheric effects with the uGMRT
Authors : Sarvesh Mangla, Akriti Sinha and Abhirup Datta
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : In recent times, radio interferometers are not only used to study astronomical sources but have also been used to study the Earth's ionosphere. The ionosphere can be sampled at a high spatial resolution using wide field-of-view radio telescopes such as the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT). Using the data from the ELAIS-North1 field, where we examined the position offsets of the radio sources. The refractive shifts in the positions of celestial sources are directly proportional to spatial gradients in the electron column density transverse to the line of sight. These can be used to probe plasma structures and waves in the ionosphere. We analyse the various behavior in the Earth's ionosphere by examining data taken under quiet geomagnetic conditions as well as data taken during moderate to severe geomagnetic storms. This study may bring insight into building pipelines where ionosphere-induced phase errors can be corrected in real-time for future telescopes like SKA-LOW in Australia and SKA-MID in South Africa.