Abstract Details

Name: Monalisa Dubey
Affiliation: Junior Research Fellow
Conference ID : ASI2023_201
Title : Exploring the properties of Core Collapse supernova: SN 2018pq
Authors : Monalisa Dubey, Kuntal Misra, Raya Dastidar, Bhavya Ailawadhi, Naveen Dukiya
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : In the universe, supernovae are the most energetic explosions which occur in a certain types of stars (Mass is greater than 8M☉), leaving behind an expanding gaseous remnant and sometimes a compact object like a neutron star or a black hole. Core Collapse supernovae are caused due to gravitational collapse of the core of massive stars. In this work, we are trying to characterize the properties of SN 2018pq by analyzing its light curve and spectrum. SN 2018pq is a Type II-P supernova with an approximate progenitor mass estimated to be 15 M☉. By doing an analytic fit on the V- band spectrum, we got a comparatively flatter plateau of ~ 87 days long with a comparison of other Type II-P supernovae. A prominent P-Cygni profile of the Hɑ line is visible in the spectrum which indicates it to have a hydrogen-rich progenitor. Metal lines (like CaII NIR triplet) have been also seen at the late time spectrum which is a typical characteristic of Type II-P supernovae. We have calculated the luminosity and the Nickel Mass in the nebular phase to be ~1.058x10^(41) ergs/s and 0.03±0.005 M☉ respectively. CSM interaction with supernova ejecta is not considered while doing modeling on the bolometric light curve of SN 2018pq, it will be considered in future work.