Abstract Details

Name: Subhajit Kar
Affiliation: Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Conference ID : ASI2023_225
Title : Spectroscopic study of a WC9-type WR star: [KSF2015] 1381-19L
Authors : Subhajit Kar and Ramkrishna Das
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : We have carried out a detailed spectroscopic investigation of a faint and very less studied Wolf Rayet (WR) star: [KSF2015] 1381-19L of WC9-type which was found to be located in the inner dust obscured region of the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of 4kpc. For our study, we have generated tailored spectroscopic models using a 1-Dimensional Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium radiative transfer modelling code “CMFGEN” and fitted the extinction corrected and flux calibrated emission lines present in the optical (5000-9000 Å) and near-IR (H & Ks bands) spectral data that we had observed from the 2m-Himalayan Chandra Telescope. We estimated the best fitting spectroscopic model by comparing the ionisation line strength ratios of various diagnostic emission lines between the observed and modelled spectra. From the best fitting spectroscopic model, we have derived possible values of stellar physical parameters such as effective temperature, mass, luminosity, wind velocity structure, mass loss rate etc. as well as chemical abundances of various elements such as Helium, Carbon, Oxygen, etc. present in its fast expanding stellar winds. Also, we have fitted the object’s photometric spectral energy distribution (SED) data with our model SED and estimated the photometric quantities such as absolute magnitude, extinction parameters such as E(B-V)=2.4 for R=3.1, along the line of sight. From our study, we also report that this WR star falls under the category of a non-dust producing WC9-type star.