Abstract Details

Name: Neeraj Singh Rawat
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore
Conference ID : ASI2023_363
Title : Evolution of H alpha emission line in Nova V1674 Herculis
Authors : Neeraj Singh Rawat (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore), U. S. Kamath (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore), Sonith LS (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore)
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Classical Novae belong to the broad class of cataclysmic variables consisting of a mass-accreting white dwarf and a mass-losing main sequence star(K-M type). This is a type of semi-detached binary system in which the secondary star is filling its Roche lobe. Novae explosion occurs due to the thermal nuclear runaway on the surface of the white dwarf, which is accreting matter from its companion. As a result, the star brightens by ~10 magnitudes, and the envelope of the accreted matter gets ejected at very high velocities. The early stages of the novae are well studied; however, there is often no or scanty information on the late-decline and the quiescent phases of the novae. But why are we interested in these not-so-exotic quiescent phases of novae? Our study is related to the answer to this question. In this poster, we will explain the importance of observing novae in their late-decline phase and the quiescence phase. We will discuss classical nova V1674 Her (a hybrid Nova transitioning from Fe II to He/N spectral type), which went into outburst in 2021. Nova V1674 Her is the fastest (t2~1.2 days) galactic nova on record. We will show the evolution of the velocities and structures in the H alpha emission line. These lines show multiple minor peaks on flat-topped profiles. We will also discuss how long the quiescent burning phase lasts for this nova and present some of the calculated physical parameters of the ejecta.