Abstract Details

Name: Anirban Chowdhary
Affiliation: Presidency University
Conference ID : ASI2023_370
Title : Halo Occupation Distribution: Redshift Evolution and Effect of Feedback
Authors : Anirban Chowdhary, Suchetana Chatterjee, Anwesh Majumder, Rudrani Kar Chowdhury,
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : Quasar clustering has proven to be a useful tool to study structure formation in the high redshift Universe. It provides us information about the co-evolution of quasars with their host dark matter halos. The Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) has been used as a powerful tool in interpreting quasar clustering and the quasar-halo connection. While extracting host halo distributions of quasar and AGN from clustering studies, the HOD is assumed to be weakly dependent on redshift. Without any theoretical study of redshift evolution of the HOD, this assumption poses a challenge for studies with quasar clustering and studies of stacked signals from quasars. We have used cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (Massive Black II and SIMBA) to investigate the redshift evolution of the quasar HOD. Our studies show that with only radiative mode of feedback, given the current state of observations, there is no noticeable evolution of the HOD with redshift. However, we note that with jet and X-ray modes of feedback there is a noticeable difference in the HOD of luminosity selected quasars as in comparison with mass selected quasars.