Abstract Details

Name: Arul Pandian B
Affiliation: The Christ University, Bangalore.
Conference ID : ASI2023_519
Title : Fifty-Five Years of Pulsar Search and beyond - as viewed from the SKA Era.
Authors : Arul Pandian B Prabu T
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : The first discovery of the pulsar was a serendipitous event, and it was part of the scintillation study. Then onwards, the pulsar discoveries happened with the development of new instruments and planned surveys. With modern computing and instrumental capabilities, the discovery rate has grown tremendously. After nearly 55 years, the pulsar search techniques have grown to be an art, with several surveys ongoing both on radio and other windows. The search technique planned for the SKA is a real-time search and requires very high-performance real-time computing. The SKA survey will search the open sky with multiple beams. This poster will highlight the salient aspects of the pulsar search efforts and their growth in capabilities over time and show how the search will be carried out in the SKA. It will also highlight the Indian contributions to this effort.