Abstract Details

Name: Yash Bhusare
Affiliation: TIFR-NCRA
Conference ID : ASI2023_568
Title : Improving wide burst sensitivity of chime
Authors : Yash Bhusare Shriharsh Tendulkar (on behalf of CHIME/FRB collaboration)
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst project (CHIME/FRB) searches a large instantaneous swath of the sky for radio transients. The detection pipeline for CHIME/FRB can introduce selection biases in the observed population of events. A software injection system has been set up to measure this bias by injecting a sample of simulated FRBs into the pipeline. In this project, we added and tested features to the existing CHIME/FRB injection pipeline that allow it to inject FRBs at a much higher rate. The current search pipeline was found to be less sensitive to wide and highly scattered bursts. These biases may come from the pulsar sample used for training the radio frequency interference (RFI) classification algorithm. We attempted to re-train the RFI classification algorithm for detecting wide and highly scattered bursts. We will show preliminary results of retraining the RFI classifier and the use of injections for training data analysis pipelines.