Abstract Details

Name: Amrutha S
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Conference ID : ASI2024_135
Title : An Hα and UVIT study of the star forming complexes in the inner disk of NGC 628.
Authors : S Amrutha 1,2, Mousumi Das1
Authors Affiliation: 1 S Amrutha, Mousumi Das Affiliation (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore - 560034, India) 2 S Amrutha Affiliation (Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry- 605014, India)
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract : FUV and NUV observations have the advantage of tracing older and less massive stars (≤ 200 Myr, O to early B type) compared to Hα (≤ 10 Myr, early to mid-O type stars). The UVIT and MUSE are among the best instruments to study star forming complexes (SFCs) in UV and Hα emission due to their high angular resolution of ≈1.2” and ≈ 0.9”. In this poster, we will present preliminary results on the correlation between the UV (FUV and NUV) and Hα luminosities and star formation rates for the SFCs in the inner disk of NGC 628 using UVIT and MUSE data. We also compare the number of star forming complexes in all three bands (MUSE convolved to UVIT resolution). Our preliminary study shows that there are relatively more Hα complexes than expected than those detected in FUV and NUV. Also, FUV and NUV-emitting SFCs are mainly found in spiral arms, whereas Hα complexes are present in the arm and interarm regions. We show how the Muse IFU data and the stellar population models can be used to derive some SFC properties, from which we can get a better age estimation of the SFCs.