Abstract Details

Conference ID : ASI2024_137
Title : Galactic Rotation Curves from the perspective of Modified Gravity
Authors : Nashiba Parbin 1, Umananda Dev Goswami 1
Authors Affiliation: 1 Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh - 786004, India
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract : Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most challenging and mysterious issues of our Universe. Flatness of rotation curves of galaxies is the primary reason behind its postulation. In this talk, we will discuss the study of flat rotation curves for a selection of galaxies from the viewpoint of Modified Gravity Theories (MGTs). One of the most straightforward theory in this context is the f(R) gravity theory. In this work, for a recently proposed model of f(R) gravity, an attempt is made to generate flat rotation curves for a sample of low-surface brightness (LSB) galaxies and an Ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) AGC 242019. The predicted results are then fitted with observational data. Interestingly, a good agreement is observed between the theoretical and observational results thereby indicating that through this work we are also able to test the viability of this f(R) gravity model in galactic scales.