Abstract Details

Name: Dipanshu Garg
Affiliation: RRI Bengaluru
Conference ID : ASI2024_141
Title : Exploring Statistical Isotropy in the CMB Sky
Authors : Dipanshu, Tarun Souradeep and Shriya Hirve
Authors Affiliation:
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract : Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies have played a key role in developing modern cosmology. Detailed and accurate measurements of the CMB anisotropies tell us a lot about the global properties, the constituents, and the history of the universe. Standard cosmological model assumes Statistical Isotropy and Gaussianity of the CMB anisotropy in FRW cosmology. There have been detections of the breakdown of SI in WMAP and Planck. In this talk, I will discuss statistical measures to study deviations from SI. We will discuss the Bipolar Spherical Harmonic (BipoSH) representation of the general covariance structure on the sphere and reduction of the basis to a new irreducible representation leading to new measure called mBipoSH functions, depicting real space angular correlation functions for SI violation features of the CMB sky.