Abstract Details

Name: Manoj Ghosh
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Technology
Conference ID : ASI2024_154
Title : Ambipolar diffusion velocity and magnetic field evolution in magnetar core
Authors : Manoj Kumar Ghosh, Monika Sinha
Authors Affiliation: Manoj Kumar Ghosh, Monika Sinha Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : High Energy Phenomena, Fundamental Physics and Astronomy
Abstract : The magnetic field associated with neutron stars is generally believed to be threaded inside the star. In the presence of a magnetic field, plasma in the interior of the star undergoes a series of processes that result in magnetic field evolution. It is thought that magnetar activities like X-ray, gamma-ray bursts, and giant flares (which release more energy in a few sec than the Sun in 10 years), are mainly due to field decay. The most important process of field decay inside the core of the star is the ambipolar diffusion of the charged particles present in the interior plasma. The decay rate due to ambipolar diffusion is directly connected to the ambipolar velocity of the charged particles under the influence of the present magnetic field. This ambipolar diffusion could be the potential reason behind the high surface luminosity of a magnetar. The energy decay in this process inside the core is sufficient to sustain that high temperature on the surface. So the detailed study of ambipolar diffusion without any approximation is quite important. We developed a generalized theoretical model for ambipolar diffusion, and then with proper parametrization we computed the ambipolar velocity. The outcomes completely agree with the observation.