Abstract Details

Name: Sukanya Mallik
Affiliation: Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Conference ID : ASI2024_355
Title : Role of ionizing background on the IGM turbulence and redshift space clustering of the metal absorbers
Authors : Sukanya Mallik1, Raghunathan Srianand1, Soumak Maitra2
Authors Affiliation: 1. Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics 2. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica -Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Via Tiepolo 11, Trieste, Italy
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract : One of the key question in modelling the formation and evolution of galaxies is the impact and relative importance of the stellar and AGN feedback. We study the effects of varied prescriptions of stellar wind and AGN feedback on the statistical properties of highly ionized absorbers using cosmological simulations, implementing different feedback models. For each simulation, by considering a wide range of ultraviolet background (UVB), we show the statistical properties such as distribution functions of column density (N), b-parameter and velocity spread, the relationship between N and b-parameter, and the fraction of Ly α absorbers showing detectable metal lines as a function of N(H I) are influenced by the UVB used. The difference in some of the predicted distributions between different simulations (with varied feedback) is similar to the one obtained by varying the UVB for a given simulation. Most of the observed properties of O VI absorbers are roughly matched by simulations incorporating WIND+AGN feedback when using the softer UVB. We find redshift clustering can provide a good discriminator between effects of feedback and UVB as they affect clustering amplitudes at different length scales. We find in the case of aligned absorbers the derived temperature correlates with the optical depth weighted temperature from the region contributing to the absorption, albeit with a significant scatter. We show this scatter comes from the spread in the kinetic temperature of the gas contributing to the absorption and hence depends on the feedback processes and the UVB used in the simulations. We show the distribution of non-thermal broadening is also affected by both feedback processes and the ionizing UVB. Therefore, in order to constrain different feedback processes and/or UVBs, using observed properties of H i and metal ions, it is important to perform simultaneous analysis of various observable parameters.