Abstract Details

Name: Priyank Parashari
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
Conference ID : ASI2024_385
Title : Probing primordial power spectrum with JWST observations of high redshift galaxies
Authors : Priyank Parashari1, Ranjan Laha1
Authors Affiliation: 1 Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru -560012, India
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract : The successful launch and operation of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have provided us with an exceptional opportunity to probe our universe at very large distances by directly observing galaxies formed very early in the Universe. The early data release from the CEERS survey of JWST has revealed several surprisingly massive high redshift galaxy candidates, which may be in tension with the ΛCDM cosmology as they require a high star formation efficiency. Many of these candidate observations are based on photometry, while some have been confirmed spectroscopically. In this talk, I shall talk about our recent in which we study their implications on the primordial power spectrum. We find that this tension can be reduced if the primordial power spectrum has a blue tilt on the small length scales. However, the required parameter space may be in tension with previous constraints on the matter power spectrum derived from other astrophysical observations. Additionally, we also investigate the implications of some spectroscopically confirmed galaxies reported in the JADES survey on a red-tilted primordial power spectrum. We found these observations to put the stringent constraints on the matter power spectrum over scales k ~ 2-7 h Mpc^(−1). Our study shows that JWST will be an excellent probe of the power spectrum and can lead to novel discoveries.