Abstract Details

Name: K Sriram
Affiliation: Osmania University
Conference ID : ASI2024_489
Title : Detection of lags in Cyg X-2 using AstroSat
Authors : K. Sriram, Chirnajeevi, P. and Deblina Lahiri
Authors Affiliation: Department of Astronomy University College of Science Osmania University Hyderabad
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : High Energy Phenomena, Fundamental Physics and Astronomy
Abstract : In this work we report the detection of lags in a Z source Cyg X-2 using AstroSat LAXPC observations. We cross-correlated soft (3-5 keV) and hard (15-30 keV) light curves and observed that in few of the observations display anti-correlated and correlated soft and hard lags of the order of few tens to hundred seconds. Most of the lags were found to occur when the source was in horizontal branch. These lags are important as it can be useful to determine the size of the corona and provides information on the dynamical and radiative configuration of the inner region of accretion disk. Dynamical CCF analysis was also performed and we noticed ~5-20 s lags in few of the observations. Detail spectral and timing will be discussed for the observations where lags were observed.