Abstract Details

Name: Ujjwal Kumar Upadhyay
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Science
Conference ID : ASI2024_551
Title : Non-linear regression with errors on both axes and its implications on Hubble tension
Authors : Ujjwal Kumar Upadhyay 1,2 Tarun Deep Saini 1
Authors Affiliation: 1 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore- 560012, India 2 Raman Research Institute, Bangalore-560080, India
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : Galaxies and Cosmology
Abstract : While fitting a non-linear model to data, it is common to consider errors only in the dependent vari- able, and treat other variables as perfectly measured. A more flexible model fitting considering errors in independent variables is expected to better estimate the parameters of the model from the same data. We employ a Bayesian method to consider redshift errors in the Pantheon sample of Type-Ia supernovae, and find that it improves the ΛCDM fit to the data. We are investigating the implications of this method on cosmological tension in the value of Hubble constant H0 with presently available data and with simulated data of larger volume and better quality expected to be available in the future.