Abstract Details

Name: Vikranth Pulamathi
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Conference ID : ASI2024_57
Title : SCOPE for Students: New Initiatives for Schools by IIA
Authors : Vikranth Pulamathi (1), Niruj Mohan Ramanujam (1), Chrisphin Karthick (1), Vishaak K. B. (2), Srishti Sharma (2), Snehalatha (2)
Authors Affiliation: 1. Vikranth Pulamathi, Niruj Mohan Ramanujam, Chrisphin Karthick Affiliation(Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru - 560034, India) 2. Vishaak K. B., Srishti Sharma, Snehalatha Affiliation (formerly at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru - 560034)
Mode of Presentation: Oral
Abstract Category : Education, Outreach and Heritage
Abstract : Indian Institute of Astrophysics has substantially expanded its public engagement in recent years with the setting up of its SCOPE Section. In this talk, rather than focusing on all our activities, I will highlight a few new initiatives for school students that would be of larger interest in the near future. We have started a program to introduce high-school students to actual hands-on research through the RESS program and the Job shadowing program, motivated by the summer and winter schools regularly conducted for university students. IIA has the advantage of operating a number of observatories across the country, and these are being used as nodal points for online as well as in-person engagement by the staff. We have started collaborations with the education and other departments of the state governments in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Ladakh, and I will present, in particular, our engagement with thousands of Rural Libraries in Karnataka and the Model Schools in Tamil Nadu. We are working with IIA's Board of Graduate Studies to start certification courses in astronomy and Astro-tourism in various colleges and other institutions across India, which occupy a unique niche, not covered by more rigorous academic programs. I will also highlight our continued focus on multi-lingual astronomy with a few examples. In summary, I will present details of some key initiatives that we have recently started, which will be of general interest to the larger community. Details of other large projects (e,g. COSMOS, HDSR, Medieval Astronomy, etc) have also been submitted by our colleagues.