Abstract Details

Name: Anish Sarkar
Affiliation: IIT Hyderabad
Conference ID : ASI2024_592
Title : Numerical approach to understand accretion rate-dependent disk structure using Kluzniak Kita analytical solutions
Authors : Anish Sarkar, Mayukh Pahari
Authors Affiliation: Anish Sarkar, Mayukh Pahari, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Telangana-502285
Mode of Presentation: Poster
Abstract Category : High Energy Phenomena, Fundamental Physics and Astronomy
Abstract : The geometrical connection between the inner accretion disk and transient radio jet in highly magnetize compact objects, more specifically how the accretion disk structure changes with mass accretion rate and how this plays a role in the jet launching mechanism are not clearly understood. In this work, we perform numerical simulation (using PLUTO code) of the thin accretion disk using hydrodynamical framework and simulated disk structure by varying parameters like the aspect ratio and mass accretion rate. Using axis-symmetric 2-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of a thin accretion disk around a rotating neutron star with a spherically symmetric corona and apply the Kluźniak-Kita (2000) analytical solution as the initial condition, the accretion disk structure for variable disc thickness were obtained which show the density profile, the mass and angular momentum flux of components with time. Initially, oscillations were obtained in the fluxes, which became constant over time and a shock was observed for mass flux after 20 stellar rotations. We are now extending our work to the Magnetohydrodynamic case with a stellar dipolar magnetic field threading the disk and observe how this leads to the observed radiation profile and jet formation at different mass accretion rate.